
"One of our best concerts", says Kate.
It really did go well and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
The soloists thought we sang well and they were all good.

Josh Brown really made his trumpet sound and David Wilks' accompanying was spot-on.

So thanks to all for making our Come and Sing event go so well. Our visiting choristers said how much they enjoyed it, and appreciated our warm welcome. Margaret Trainor's lasagne was also much appreciated. Thanks to all who helped with catering, people who greeted our guests, those who arranged the chairs and put things straight afterwards and the vicar who made us welcome. 

A particular big thank you to Anne Parker who stepped in to implement our  Chairman's plans when I was incapacitated, as well as fulfilling her publicity officer's duties.

I was delighted to hear that Gabrielle Ibberson's son Andy and daughter Georgina had "skyped" our performance, live, to her, in her own home.
 I'm sure the love and concern of the choir for Gabrielle will have conveyed itself
 in our warm applause.

And now, on to the Christmas concert and carol singing. Bring it on!!

Christmas Concert

Monday 11th November 7.30pm: Parish Centre
Monday 18th November 7.30pm: Parish Centre
Monday 25th November 7.30pm: Parish Centre
Monday 2nd December 7.30pm: St Margaret’s Church
Monday 9th December 7.30pm: St Margaret’s Church

Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Concert in St Margaret’s Church

Website updated

There is already much interest in our Come and Sing Messiah concert on 9th November, so please ask friends to download an application form from our newly updated website: